2021 NSW Endurance Championships – Round 1

10th of January we will be running the first round of our NSWPWC Endurance Championships at Chipping Norton Lakes to kick off 2021!
We have something for all our runabout riders with the classes below. Entries are now open and close on Wednesday the 6th of January 2021. Due to the current restrictions we are only allowed 100 attendees so each entry will only be allowed to bring 1 person who will be their holder.
If restrictions ease before the event we may open up more spots for people to attend. The classes are as follows:
Pro/Am GP Runabout
Pro/Am Stock Runabout
Pro/Am Naturally Aspirated Runabout
Rookie Limited Runabout
We will also be running 2 rookie practice sessions for those rookies keen to give it a go
Entries are now open – use the link below to enter.
There are no cross entries between the classes that are grouped together eg Stock and GP, NA and Rookie.
The new system of AJSBA licences means you will need to go directly through them to secure your licence. If you are a first time rider (rookie) you will be able to secure a day licence for $50 and if you have raced before you will need to purchase a discounted Year Licence for $250. AJSBA.org.au
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask us. We can’t wait to see you guys back on the track!