Mates take jet skiing at Rockhampton to performing in China

Sitting on the front jetski is Mark Chappell, sitting on the rear jetski is James Mclachlan, standing on the left Kyle Shaw, and to the right is Callum Mylrea.
MARK Chappell never thought he’d be navigating the streets of China with his best mates but the Rocky boy is now living the dream.
Rockhampton jet skiers, Mark, Kyle Shaw, Callum Mylrea and James McLachlan decided they had to find to start making money doing the thing they loved the most.
Having all secured 6six month contracts the boys have been working as a part of a ski show at Chimelong ocean kingdom theme park in China.
The best mates started free ride jet skiing by practicing at Five Rocks and Farnborough beach and travelled to competitions along the coast going as far down as Sydney.
Mark said the boys were heavily involved in the competition scene and ended up making contacts which eventually landed them the gig in China.
“Kyle was the first to go over then James then myself and Callum… We sort of got the job through each other.”
The boys who have a combined skiing experience of 11 years now live together overseas and perform twice a day in the world class show.
Mark who couldn’t picture experiencing the opportunity with anyone but his best mates said the chance to work as a professional jet skier was unreal.
“It’s a bit of a dream job really, I’d probably do it for free,” he said.
“It’s been a good experience, especially for myself, I’m a boiler maker by trade and I was working in construction working four weeks on, one week off and I just needed a break from it.”
The 15 minute show which runs every day of the year at 4pm and 8pm consists of 6 jet skiers, hover boarders, sky skiers and swivel skiers.
The show area has programmed water fountains in the centre of a lagoon around a volcano which shoots a 10m high flame, high power lights and lasers.
Mark said no matter how many times he did performed he was still excited for every show.
“For my first night routine it was mind-blowing because you’re just riding this Jet Ski and there’s a box right behind you and there’s fireworks just shooting out of it, it’s all choreographed to the music.”
“They (fireworks) are strapped to the back of the Ski and we just do a routine out on a lagoon while there is fly boarders and hover boarders that all cruise around the lagoon as well, there’s fireworks going off all around, it’s pretty crazy.”
Mark said adapting to the Chinese lifestyle was interesting and proved to be a little hectic at times.
“I never thought I’d be navigating the streets of Macau and Hong Kong and all through China, its pretty cool.”
“We’re only literally 10 minutes from the Macau border, so that’s kind of like our backyard as well.”
The boys are enjoying their last month’s overseas before their contracts run out and they have to return to Rockhampton.
Mark said when they returned they would most likely go back to their trades and compete in freestyle competitions.
“It’s been a good opportunity and whenever we get the chance when we’re in Rocky or when we get to Five Rocks or Farmborough we’re all together, all skiing together, having a ball.”
“Its healthy competition too, when we’re out there and I’ll see someone do a trick and I’ve got to try and outdo them, I’ve got to try to do something better.”
Mark said the overall experienced gave the boys a chance to network with a lot of people and professionals from around the world which they wouldn’t have gotten if they didn’t travel overseas.
“Callum comes back at the end of April, James, myself and Kyle come back in August and we’re finished up over there.”