Massive accident for Quinten Bossche takes him out of the World Finals

From Quinten’s FB page:
Yesterday whilst warming up my ski , ready to do the free practice, i got into a head on colision with another rider …. the impact was big , my ski is severely damaged and so is my left lower leg
Tybia broken in multiple places , ankle joint broken in multiple places 😭 It is really hard to place this and looking at it in a positive way , but it is the right thing to do !
I would like to thank my sponsors for the continuous support !
My family for standing besides me ❤️
My girlfriend for putting up with me day in and day out , specially this night was a really hard one ❤️
All my friends and fans ! Your support makes me hungry for victory again !!
In about an hour i’m going in for a first surgery ,to put some things in place and making it safe for me to travel home to get everything fixed !
Thankyou for the continuous love and support !