Tasmanian jet ski duo conquer return crossing of Bass Strait, raising almost $6000 for MS research
A TASMANIAN jet skiing duo has achieved its ambitious aim of making a return trip across treacherous Bass Strait.
After more than 20 hours in the saddle, Launceston’s Dale Quinn and Triabunna’s Rod Wilson arrived back at Musselroe Bay, on Tasmania’s remote North-East Coast, about 2pm yesterday.
The pair has raised almost $6000 to help tackle multiple sclerosis.
Mr Quinn said the last 200km of the journey had been the toughest.
He said after leaving Deal Island on their return trip, they encountered confused seas with swells as high as 3.5m.

The journey across Bass Strait. Source: News Corp Australia
“We were pretty confident out there, but at times I was thinking what the hell are we doing out here,’’ he said.
Mr Quinn said by the end he was unable to stand up on his jet ski — as he normally would have — because his fatigued legs had given way.
“I wouldn’t rush out to do it again,’’ he said.
The jet skiers, who overnighted on Deal Island during both crossings, said they were grateful to the island’s volunteer caretaker and his family, who had laid on a barbecue.
Bad weather had deterred them from going the full distance across Bass Strait in one day, as they had originally planned.
They set out from Musselroe Bay on Monday.