Terra Australis duo heading back down the coast after aborting the world record attempt


It was excellent to head out for a ride with the Northern Reef Riders yesterday. Leaving Cairns, Queensland, Australia at about 7:00am, a group of 20 or so Jet Skis headed out to Fitzroy Island, Great Barrier Reef for a quick breakfast. About half of the bunch headed back to Cairns with rest of us heading across to Vlassoff Cay via Green Island for a swim in the stunning aqua waters of this pristine Sandy bay. From there we headed across to Oyster reef and then homeward to the Sugar Sheds boat ramp. The ride was topped off with a fantastic lunch at WHARF ONE. It was great to see the good lads from Cairns Watercraft out supporting the ride as well with a new FX SVHO being put through it’s paces. Don’t forget that you can still help us help Variety Australia by donating to their very worthy cause, just click on the link below and help kids be kids. https://give.everydayhero.com/…/terra-australias-girt-by-sea
